Starfish Therapies

March 8, 2012

From Head to Toe Game

Filed under: Developmental Milestones — Starfish Therapies @ 12:00 pm
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One of our OT’s found this great game called From Head to Toe: Learn to Move.  The pictures are all done in Eric Carle format which are pretty cool.  I of course had to borrow it to use with some of my kids and as usual I did not read the directions but rather used it in my own way.  We turned all the cards over and we each took turns picking a card (first we rolled a dice to see how many cards we each got to turn over).  Once the kiddo picked the card they turned it over to see what the activity was and then they got to imitate it.  We had fun trying out the different moves and seeing what would come up next.  I actually thought some of the activities would be too easy however, they worked out great.

I was using them with a child who has coordination and motor planning challenges so it was really interesting to watch them look at the picture, hear the words for the action and then try to complete the task.  Simple things that I’ve seen them do needed cuing to perform them correctly.  For instance, when the card read ‘turn your head side to side’ the initial action that came out was the entire body turning side to side.  Once I gave more directions such as ‘just the head’ and demonstrated the action as well, it was a quick transition to the correct action.  I think its so interesting to see how a child who can easily shake their head ‘no’ without moving their whole body when they generate the action on their own, then has motor planning challenges when the task is asked of them.  It just goes to show how there are different processes that occur for spontaneous movement as opposed to movement to a command.  We see this a lot with kids with apraxia that they can easily perform a task such as picking up a block but when asked to perform the same task there are challenges with the movement.

I think this deck of cards was a great way to work on imitation, following directions, looking at pictures and interpreting a direction, and motor planning/coordination.  It was nice because they were fairly simple movements but for kids that have these challenges it gave them an easy way to work on a bigger movement issue.  How to motor plan a task when it is asked, versus being able to do the task spontaneously.

And, don’t forget, there may be more to the game that is even more fun and can draw out more skills however I didn’t actually read the directions so I can try that adventure another day!


  1. I just completed a unit with all my kindergarten students using this book. I borrowed a set of cards from the OT to have them do some body movement. Then i recorded them with the ipad video doing one of the actions they were good at. Then this evolved into taking a photo of them, and i put the photos into powerpoint, and typed ” I am (child’s name). I can hop. Can you do it!” . On the next slide i put the video. Then i got the briliant idea to record them saying ” I can do it”. Then i converted it into a movie, to share with each kindergarten class for following directions. the kids loved it, and were so proud. I have to admit it turned out to be awesome.

    Comment by Donna Konkol Williams — March 9, 2012 @ 11:32 pm | Reply

  2. These cards are going on my wish list!

    Comment by jd785 — March 13, 2012 @ 12:57 am | Reply

  3. […] are endless!  Another pin caught my eye:  From Head to Toe Game (by Eric Carle) posted by  A reader of this blog described how she made this activity into a “movie”, and I […]

    Pingback by Chit Chat and Small Talk: Play Dough Mats and Other Fun Stuff from Pinterest — March 26, 2012 @ 6:12 pm | Reply

  4. […] Head to Toe Game […]

    Pingback by More Gift Ideas for the Holidays « Starfish Therapies — November 12, 2012 @ 4:48 pm | Reply

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